...thoughts of 'Kami'

++ The Chronicles ++

Monday, September 10, 2007

my weekend's fairy tale

kelmarin..Sabtu...tidur pukul around 5.30 am. baru dpt nk lelap mata lepas send email on ammended slide due to new submission from TMI. elok2 dah incorporated all comments made by GCFO masa ptg jumaat, ale2 TMI submit their new numbers at 10.40pm. then apa lagi directly sent sms to my GM asking on whether to reconsole the Group numbers i.e. incorporating the new submission numbers or to maintain the current one as we've cut-off any changes to the Group numbers at 12.00pm Friday. waiting for about 1/2 hour, still no reply from him. how aaa? i was not in the position to decide. but deep in my heart mmg nak reconsole everything though the known impact memang quite severe la.serba salah dh. nevermind..tunggu sat lagi. nanti dia reply la tuh.almost 1 hour tapi tak reply2 gak suddenly tergerak hati to online my gtalk. yess!!he's online.hehehe.not my GM tapi my x-boss. directly msg him and asking for his opinion. he bla bla bla, then finally i decided to reconsole and ammend everything. that time it was about 15 minutes to midnite. target to finish everything in 4 hours. meaning by 4 am mesti siap.then aku startla reconsole. adjust for elimination. calculate all necceseries and so on. ok after 1 hour setelled the consolidation.now come the slide part.huhuhu.mata dah mula rasa pening2.update semua graph, tukar semua table. add new slides mana2 yang kene tu, check2 jugakle sket2 no.2 yang dimasukkan takut tak betul ke. dan akhirnya pukul 4.58am (sempat aku tgk jam kat notebook,hehehe) aku tekan button save. ahhh..lega tapi penat, letih tu usah nak kata. terus tulis email pada bos, and send. yes! lepas tuh amik air semayang, solat jap igt nk tunggu subuh tapi ngantuk bebeno. padahal masa tu dah pukul 5.20 am dah.huhuhu.baring je terus lelap.

zaappp!!! buka mata! kol berapa ni? ooohh sudah kol 7.00am dah.adusss..berat nye mata aku.tapi aku tak semayang subuh lagi..lepas subuh igt nk tidur balik, tapi dapat sms dpd boss,terus check email. aha..bos dh balas email rupenye. ah..takperla.tunggu siang2 sket baru update.skrg ialah masa untuk tidur balik. kol 9 lebih baru bangun. terus breakfast, n ngadap notebook.nak kene update untuk CPX slide. tunggu ofis mate send the update. die plak ada kursus kahwin.adusss..dugaan, dugaan...finally kol 11 lebih hantar latest draft pada bos. sms skali.ingat nak sambung tidur, tapi macam tk ngantuk. so kluar gi dapur tolong mak masak.hehehe. then, dalam pukul 12.50pm dapat email dpd Kak Lyn, ada nak minta ammend sket dekat SD slide. ok done! then tunggu bos punye feedback.ptg pegi pasar malam, tgh bes beli belah, phone bunyi. ahaa!perlu update.ok all done.tunggu bos 2 besar bagi green light. mana die ni. tak berbunyi2 pun. takpela, kalau takde tuh maksudnye takde apa2 la kan. malam, dalam kol 9.35pm bos 2 besar call. bla bla bla."ok boss, i'll email to you in 15 minutes". heheheh, tapi biasela kan.janji 15 minutes, haa jadi dekat sejam. kol 10.40pm baru tekan butang send. yerla.nak tulis email lagi, nak karang2 tuh amik masa gak. then, dalam kol 11pm bos 2 besar send email pada bos besar. . then lepas tu, ingat nak tidur tapi biasela kan bila ye2 nak tidur mata takmo lelap. last2 kol 12 lebih baru tido.

pagi Ahad, bangun lambat. check email takde feedback dpd bos besar. ok then tunggu jekla. tgh hari bos call, suruh masuk ofis ptg. final update.kemas2 barang, naik bas balik kl terus masuk opis.hahaha.haru biru hidup. settllekan apa yang patut. dah final call boss. dapat clearance, terus print. dalam 11.30pm kluar ofis, ahhh aku nak balik tidur, kepala aku dah sakit. esok ada Pre-Challenge whole day plak tu...

ok..tuhla cerita weekend aku. coming weekdays ni tataula camne haru nye plak. hmm..what I can do is just to pray to Allah, to give me more strength, healthiness, courage and ability to cope and face any obstacles and challenges that might come..