...thoughts of 'Kami'

++ The Chronicles ++

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

HappY New Year, Darling!

Happy New Year..May years ahead bring joy and happiness..My friends asked "apa azam tahun baru farah?"..my answer was banyak rasanya nak buat tahun ni..tapi cam nak tunggu awal Muharam..takut plak tertinggal apa2..lagipun lbh afdhal..hehehe..."(alasan je tu, sebab masa die tanya tak dpt decide lagi apa nak buat...) so extend dulu la..
2007...year of...what would i say??miserable??, full of darkness?? a lot happened in 2007. bad n good things..but i'm sure the 'bad' were more than the 'good' ...will require quite sometimes to list them out thus i prefer to keep it myself :D ..
anyway..have a great 2008!