What's the Deal with Being a Muslim?
ok..nih saya amik kat Frenster. Di sharekan oleh sahabat Kronikiter gak, Cik Sarah. nanti lain kali letakla skali kat blog ok..jangan marah ye Cik Sarah..hehehe...so, bacala sume..moga2 dapat sesuatu...
I am a Muslim; You are a Muslim. You parents are also most likely Muslims. All of us belong to the community of Islam!
A Muslim is an individual who accepts Islam as the way of life. Islam is his or her faith. Islam his or her way. A Muslim, whether young or old, acts as Islam tells him or her to act.
As Muslims, we follow the guidance and commands given to us by Allah, as a manual! He told us what is right and what is wrong. We accept Allah's guidance (Quran) and we follow His message by our own choice. We do this because we know they are of great benefit to us. This belief guides us in our actions.
If every action of a young Muslim is done to please Allah, and performed in obedience to Him, then it is an act of worship (Ibadah)! Every person is the servant (Abd) of Allah on earth. Everyone is an agent or representative (Khalifah) of Allah in this world.
Everything a person has is a trust from Allah. A representative does not work according to his own wishes. He follows the instructions of his Master, because he represents the Master.Therefore, as representatives (Khalifahs) of Allah, we cannot follow the instructions of others. Nor can we have guidance from sources other than from Allah. By our choice we must obey Allah. Only then will we be Allah's true Khalifahs and servants!
Of course, we might be tempted to disobey Allah. We might decide that we want to do whatever we like. But we have to remember that if we disobey Him, we will suffer great loss. Our life is a test for us. As Muslims, we shall not disobey Allah in any way. We must do our utmost to be successful in the test!
Source: "The Children's Book Islam: Part Two" - M. M. Ahsan
Hijaz - Lukisan Alam
Hidup tidak selalunya indah
Langit tak selalu cerah
Suram malam tak berbintang
Itulah lukisan alam
Begitulah aturan Tuhan
Jadilah rumput nan lemah lembut
Tak luruh dipukul ribut
Bagai karang didasar lautan
Tak terusik dilanda badai
Dalam sukar... hitunglah kesyukuranmu
Dalam senang... awasi kealpaanmu
Setitis derita melanda
Segunung KurniaanNya
Usah mengaharpkan kesenangan
Dalam perjuangan perlu pengorbanan
Usah dendam berpanjangan
Maafkan kesalahan insan
Dalam diam... taburkanlah baktimu
Dalam tenang... buangkanlah amarahmu
Suburkanlah sifat sabar
Dalam jiwamu itu
Di dalam jiwamu itu
I am a Muslim; You are a Muslim. You parents are also most likely Muslims. All of us belong to the community of Islam!
A Muslim is an individual who accepts Islam as the way of life. Islam is his or her faith. Islam his or her way. A Muslim, whether young or old, acts as Islam tells him or her to act.
As Muslims, we follow the guidance and commands given to us by Allah, as a manual! He told us what is right and what is wrong. We accept Allah's guidance (Quran) and we follow His message by our own choice. We do this because we know they are of great benefit to us. This belief guides us in our actions.
If every action of a young Muslim is done to please Allah, and performed in obedience to Him, then it is an act of worship (Ibadah)! Every person is the servant (Abd) of Allah on earth. Everyone is an agent or representative (Khalifah) of Allah in this world.
Everything a person has is a trust from Allah. A representative does not work according to his own wishes. He follows the instructions of his Master, because he represents the Master.Therefore, as representatives (Khalifahs) of Allah, we cannot follow the instructions of others. Nor can we have guidance from sources other than from Allah. By our choice we must obey Allah. Only then will we be Allah's true Khalifahs and servants!
Of course, we might be tempted to disobey Allah. We might decide that we want to do whatever we like. But we have to remember that if we disobey Him, we will suffer great loss. Our life is a test for us. As Muslims, we shall not disobey Allah in any way. We must do our utmost to be successful in the test!
Source: "The Children's Book Islam: Part Two" - M. M. Ahsan
Hijaz - Lukisan Alam
Hidup tidak selalunya indah
Langit tak selalu cerah
Suram malam tak berbintang
Itulah lukisan alam
Begitulah aturan Tuhan
Jadilah rumput nan lemah lembut
Tak luruh dipukul ribut
Bagai karang didasar lautan
Tak terusik dilanda badai
Dalam sukar... hitunglah kesyukuranmu
Dalam senang... awasi kealpaanmu
Setitis derita melanda
Segunung KurniaanNya
Usah mengaharpkan kesenangan
Dalam perjuangan perlu pengorbanan
Usah dendam berpanjangan
Maafkan kesalahan insan
Dalam diam... taburkanlah baktimu
Dalam tenang... buangkanlah amarahmu
Suburkanlah sifat sabar
Dalam jiwamu itu
Di dalam jiwamu itu
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